Ohh the birth story. Everyone's most anticipated blog post of the formerly pregnant blogger :o)
Allow me to set the stage...
36 weeks pregnant I mentally exhausted myself wondering when I would go into labor.
37 weeks pregnant (and mentally exhausted) I laid around waiting to go into labor.
38 weeks stinkin still pregnant and I started calling all of my friends to make plans because I couldn't take thinking about it any more and I needed distraction. Playdate, Zoo trip, OB appointment, errand running followed by bible study was my week leading up to baby debut...
Funny fact: when I was pregnant with Carly I drank Dr Pepper Ten one day (a lot of it) and I contracted all day. I don't know if it was related but decided that drinking any more probably was not a wise choice.
I got a little curious if the same thing would happen again and might have purchased the Dr Pepper Ten at Target that day. And I might have gone into labor that night. Now I am not saying that Dr Pepper Ten induces labor... but I thought it was quite a funny coincidence!
Thursday I made a lovely roast for dinner, I felt a few contractions during dinner (6:00) but they were not painful and hardly noticeable. 6:45 Dave and Meg show up for Small Group and Meg and I talk about how I have been scheduled for an induction for the following Thursday morning because the MD's don't want me to try to VBAC after my due date. I admitted to Meg that I was feeling a few non painful contractions but I seriously didn't think any more of it.
Early Labor, last pregnancy picture EVER! ;o)
However they got stronger and by the time we finished praise and worship around 8:00 I thought I could probably time them. So I put Carly to bed and timed few 3-5 min apart! I joined the ladies (as they guys had gone for separate discussion) and after a few more I informed the gals that I indeed thought I was in labor! They were all so excited (mostly Meg and Lauren who tried to convince me to just let them deliver her for me here at home :o)
I was going to sit join the discussion however the men decided that they would prefer to talk about our topic along with their wives and they wanted to rejoin the group. At that point I couldn't see the boys appreciating me laboring during small group. I have the need to pace and move around during early labor anyway so I headed upstairs to pack and informed Joe that I thought I was in labor but we had lots of time and he rejoined the group. I called my mama and packed our hospital bags and the girls bag for Grams house. Everyone cleared out of Bible Study pretty quickly (after cleaning up, thank you for that by the way!) Joe sent the girls upstairs to "help me" and I informed them that it was baby time. They were excited but way more excited to find out that they got to go to a slumber party at Grams house!
Now can I just say that one thing I was looking forward to was using a handy contraction app on my phone, I don't know why I just was. So I had downloaded one weeks ago and it sat there on my phone taunting me and now I get to use it! However after 20 logged contractions it said "you must purchase the full version of this app if you want to keep using it"! LAME! I quickly downloaded another one but I was so over it by then and really didn't care how close together they were because all I knew was that they were close enough :o)
While Joe quickly deposited the girls with his mom I called Dr Schuermann who was the doc on call(yay!) and let him know I would be in sometime although I didn't know when as I knew it was still early. However as soon as Joe got back he couldn't handle not going to the hospital so we went.
10:37 In triage. I'm 3-4cm 80% effaced and -2 station. I had just been 3cm/50% the day before but I was not worried, they were a little stronger and I knew it was labor. The nurse asked me if I would want an epidural eventually and I said "uhh I don't know, maybe, we will see" As soon as she left Joe said "Whats this about the epidural?" I told him I just hated getting them and I wanted to just wait and see. Simple enough right? I was admitted which took a while and transferred to my labor room where they were still very manageable, still talking/walking through them etc.
Heres the big oops you are all waiting for... I might have forgotten to tell my loving, wonderful, no nonsense, husband that I wanted to try going natural! Here's my reasoning.
A. I thought I did tell him. I told him when I was pregnant with Carly that I wanted to try and he said "I think that's stupid but you can do whatever you want" haha. some of you ladies might take offense to that response but I know my husband well and I was not. See Joe is no nonsense. Get it done, Do it well, do it the most efficient way that makes the most sense. Anyway I ended up with a c/section and so it really didn't matter.
B. My only reason for trying it was because my labors are pretty quick and text book as far as progress and I have always gotten an Epi before I would say I "needed it" just to be safe and I have always HATED the process of getting the epi. I realize that most people don't mind the process one bit but I have serious issues with it and I did not look forward to it at all!
C. I had pictured what my natural labor would be like and if at any time I wasn't ok with how it was going I would go ahead and get the epi. I wasn't trying to be a warrior woman, I don't mind being numb. I have seen my fair share of natural labor and so I was pretty sure I knew what I would like mine to look like. I knew I wouldn't want help from anyone, I don't need a cheerleader or coach. I hate background music, I hate being wet and I had no desire for my rear end to be hanging out for hours on end. I didn't want to be overly noisy or move around much. I just wanted to be left alone and I would let someone know if I needed drugs or to push a baby out :o) If at any point it was going different than this I would get the epi. So I didn't feel that Joe needed any sort of education on how to help or assist me. I didn't need anything from him. What I failed to think about was the affect watching me be in pain would have on my lovely husband. Oops. Now that I have heard his thoughts about the whole ordeal I feel really, really super duper bad about putting him through a situation that he had no control over and no preparation for. He never would have been excited about it, but I could have at least told him what to expect and that I had no expectations from him as my helpless mate ;o)
11:45. Dr Schuermann comes in to check me and see if I wanted him to break my water. I had no objections to him breaking my water so he did. I was now 5/100/-2 Kelly arrived after this and shortly after my parents and Kara came too. I knew to expect my water breaking to speed things up and intensify the contractions and it did. After standing for a few I decided to kneel facing the back of the bed and this is where I stayed. It was such an out of body experience after watching other women go through the process it was pretty cool to "watch myself" progress. I was breathing through the contractions for a while and it was really no big deal, not anything I couldn't handle and not super painful, then my breathing changed, then I couldn't be quiet through them and I knew that I was nearing transition. This scared me just a little because I realized at this point that they were pretty intense and if I wasn't as close as I thought there was NO way I could sit for an epi at this point. My nurse (wonderful Mandy, she loves Jesus and prayed with me when I got there, that was awesome) came in and I asked her to bolus my IV bag. It just made me feel better knowing as I labored that I would have the required liter of fluids in me if I wanted an epidural. I knew that Dr Schuerman would be back to check me around 1:30 but at 1:20 I couldn't take it anymore and asked for him to come.
I had always told myself that if I got to 8cm I would go natural. Sure enough I was 8 and I was feeling tired. Joe said he knew then that we were in for the long haul.
I was sitting in the bed at this point after being checked and I liked it because I could relax in between contractions better however they felt closer together and I knew they were more intense! However I was surprised at how short they seemed. I thought they would feel never ending but the truly painful part seemed to only last 2-3 seconds and so I was still managing ok. All along as I progressed Joe was inching his way closer to my side. I really didn't need anything from him but he did keep my sheet and gown in place while I moved which I truly did appreciate and thanked him for repeatedly. During most of my labor I kept my eyes either shut or covered with my hand, and even in my blindness I could tell just by his body language and breathing that he. was. mad! I knew he was frustrated with the situation but I didn't dwell on it and by then things were happening very quickly. Dr Schuermann had the room set up for delivery and Mandy never left the room after this which I appreciated because at this point I needed to be done and get her out and if Mandy was in there then that could happen :o)
I have no good recollection of time or how many contractions I had but I just remember about 3-4 contractions of "get out, get out, get out!" and wishing I had the urge to push. I remember having a contraction and just deciding to push and see what would happen and NOTHING did... until the next contraction I still don't think I had the urge to push but I told (or yelled, whatever) Mandy that I had to push. She told me not to which I think I am going to de-friend her for and I pushed anyway. Dr Schuermann was called in and then I had the bowling ball in the rear feeling that everyone talks about but for some reason I didnt associate that with an urge to push. But push I did! Dr Schurmann told Mandy to prep me and I yelled at her to "get back here and get her out!" hehehe lovely. Then I thought that Dr Schuermann was certainly for some reason prying me open to go in after her, I may have demanded that he get his hands off of me to which Joe tells me now that the doc was about a foot away from me when i said that and Dr Schuerm said oh, so, calmly "that's her head Katie, push her out" And with two pushes I did! It was not the feeling I was expecting. I had delivered her head with the first push and didn't even know it, I thought "this is going nowhere" and they said "now push her shoulders out"...
I remember them saying she had a short cord and by the time they laid her on my chest I was in such aftershock that I couldn't even look at her. Joe tells me he felt the same way :o| I felt like I had just been through war, it was weird to try to hold and cuddle and coo... for about 5 seconds, by the time they got her turned around to face me I was over it all!
She weighed 6lb 4oz 19in long and she was tiny and cute and dark headed. She nursed right away and everyone came back in to see her. It was weird delivering in the middle of the night because there were no phone calls to make or text messages to send. There were only a few dedicated visitors there to see her right away and then its early morning and you haven't slept all night long but I couldn't fall asleep and didn't end up sleeping until the next night. When I sent her to the nursery and slept HARD until they brought her back to me to feed every few hours.
So in summary I am glad I went natural, I'm glad I had the opportunity and was able to experience it once. I do feel awful for not preparing my husband and No, I would never do it again. I didn't like the mental feeling afterwards. Although it is our plans for this to be our last I would bear the pain of the epidural in exchange for the happy more enjoyable delivery. I think that I am in the minority with those feelings because I have never heard anyone say them before. But I am ok with that, I like being a rebel :o)
Stay tuned for the story about how the night we got home from the hospital my super hero husband said to me from the girls room "they're puking!" and I spent 36hours quarantined in my room! Its a fun story...